What You Need to Know About Using a Penis Pump 

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The advancements in non-drug treatments for various health conditions have come a long way. If you’re looking for a specific device that can be used to address erectile dysfunction, a penis pump may be able to help. It’s more than just a sex toy for couples, they also promote optimal sexual health in men by improving their erectile function, especially after having a radical prostatectomy. 

So how do you make a penis pump work? There are different types of penis pumps depending on whether they’re battery-powered (electric) or manual (non-electric). Regardless of the kind of device you have, a penis pump is relatively easy to operate. First, you need to apply a lubricant over the base of the penis and place it inside the tube. Turn on the button or use the hand pump to allow a vacuum to draw blood into the penis until it becomes erect.  

Penis Pumps for Male Enhancement: How to Use Them 

There are plenty of sex toys that can help make intercourse easier and more pleasurable for men. One of the popular devices is a penile pump which uses a suction mechanism to increase blood flow into the penis, causing it to swell and visually enlarge. This is also medically known as a vacuum constriction device and it’s commonly used as a non-drug treatment option for erectile dysfunction. 

Most men use a penis pump just before sexual intercourse to achieve firmer and engorged erections. While its effects are usually temporary, a penis vacuum pump can be a great solution to increased arousal and enjoyment during sexual activities. 

Penis pumps can either operate electrically with the use of batteries or mechanically which means you or your partner have to use it by hand. Here’s a general overview of how you can use a vacuum pump for penis enlargement: 

1) Shave First Before Putting on the Pump 

If it’s your first time using a penile vacuum device, it’s recommended to trim or shave excess pubic hair around the base of the penis. The pump comes with a seal that ensures the vacuum efficiently produces enough suction without letting any air out of the device. That’s why making sure that the skin is smooth around the base of the penis will help secure the device and avoid unwanted hair from getting caught in the constriction ring. 

2) Get a Lubricant and Insert The Penis Into The Tube 

It may be painful and irritating to use a penis pump without being properly lubricated. So before you insert your genitals into the tube, apply a lubricant on the shaft up to the base so you’ll have a comfortable penis pumping experience. A lube may also help put on the cock ring after use to maintain your erection.

After lubricant application, carefully place the tube over the shaft until it reaches the base of the penis and stays close to the body. The lube can also help secure the seal of the vacuum device to avoid air or water leakage during pumping. Most penis pumps can be used with a water-based lubricant. 

3) Turn On The Electric Pump or Manually Move The Pump 

If you’re using a battery-powered penis pump, look for the button and press it to turn the device on. Otherwise, you’d need to manually pump the device by hand. While you’re pumping, you’ll feel the vacuum producing suction that increases circulation in the blood vessels of the penis. 

Once the blood is flowing into the penile tissue, it’ll cause the penis to swell visually and increase in size and firmness. Most penis pumps also have calibration markings on the side of the tube so you can clearly see once you’ve reached your desired penis size.  

4) Place The Ring On The Base Of The Penis

Depending on your desired penis enlargement, it can take anywhere from 30 seconds to 2 minutes to finish pumping with the device. When you achieve your intended erection, turn off the device or finish pumping to stop the suction. 

Remove the device and wear the penis ring around the base of the shaft to help maintain the erection for intercourse. However, you should make sure that the ring doesn’t stay on for more than 30 minutes to avoid complications. 

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How Long Will The Effects of Penis Pumps Last?

Penis pumps can provide firmer erections that can make you last longer and achieve arousal during sexual activities. This device can provide significant improvements in your overall penis length and girth. After pumping, the increased blood flow in your erectile tissue can make your erection about 1 to 3 inches longer. 

However, its effects are usually temporary and the erection can stay on for around 15 to 30 minutes after pumping. Despite its short-lived results, penis pumps are an effective treatment for men with erectile dysfunction and other disorders that affect the male genitals. One study has shown that a vacuum erection device is an effective therapy to help elongate the penis in patients with Peyronie’s disease. 

Another study also showed how penis pumps provided satisfactory results to patients with erectile dysfunction. Following 1,500 penis pump users, the results showed at least 92% of men were able to achieve a natural erection that enabled them to participate in sexual activity.

Regular use of the device has also been shown to increase patient and partner satisfaction in sexual intercourse. Some patients also reported having engaged in more frequent sexual activities after using a penis pump. 

Are Penis Pumps Safe?

Yes, most penis pumps are generally safe and have few side effects if instructions are followed during usage. While there are devices that can be bought over the counter, doctors can give a prescription so you can buy an FDA-approved penis pump for erectile dysfunction treatment. 

You can use a penis pump more than once per day, but make sure that you operate it correctly. Incorrect use of penis pumps may result in several side effects, such as: 

  • Minimal pain and bruising – You may notice slight pain and bruising at the base of the shaft which can happen if the tube is placed incorrectly. This may also occur if you forget to shave the pubic area which causes some hair to be pulled inside the device. Pumping too quickly may also cause increased bruising on the skin of the penis. 
  • Petechiae – These are tiny, red dots that form on the skin as a result of excessive bruising or bleeding. This happens when the pump produces too much suction that causes a burst blood vessel and leads to the appearance of a skin lesion. Fortunately, this is a temporary side effect that can resolve within 2 to 3 days.
  • Numbness or skin discoloration –  Overuse of a tight cock ring can cause pressure and impede the flow of blood in the penile area, leading to temporary numbness and skin discoloration around the base of the penis. It’s important to remove the penis ring after 30 minutes to restore blood circulation. You can also use a slightly larger constriction ring to minimize the pressure and prevent unwanted side effects. 
  • Unnatural feeling erections – There’s also a small possibility that some users can have erections that don’t feel natural or spontaneous and some aren’t satisfied with its temporary results. It can take some time for you to get used to the effects and sensations of using a penis pump. 

Who Should Use A Penis Pump?  

The most common users of penis pumps are men who have trouble getting an erection due to sexual dysfunction. It’s the recommended treatment for fixing the signs and symptoms of erectile dysfunction. Being of old age can increase your risk of having erectile dysfunction due to low levels of testosterone. However, having certain conditions such as diabetes, multiple sclerosis, hypertension, and kidney disease may also lead to poor erectile function. 

An erectile dysfunction pump may also be used for recovery and penile rehabilitation of patients who have undergone radical prostatectomy. This surgical procedure is done to remove the prostate gland and its surrounding tissues. Some men may struggle with erections after prostate surgery which can affect the quality of their life. Using a penis pump may help improve their ED symptoms and restore their sexual health. 

It may not be the best treatment option for men with a preexisting blood disorder or a history of clotting. You may also need to reconsider the use of penis pumps if you’re currently taking a blood thinning medication since it may increase your risk of having bleeding or bruising after pumping. 

Benefits of Using a Penis Pump 

Penis pumps can be used recreationally to enhance sexual pleasure or therapeutically to address the symptoms of erectile dysfunction. It also offers several benefits for the physical and mental health of users, such as: 

  • Using a penis pump can help promote erections in patients with anxiety-induced erectile dysfunction. 
  • A vacuum erection device can also increase the user’s sensitivity during sexual activities which can lead to more intense feelings of pleasure and satisfaction. 
  • Penis pumps are safe for regular use and can be more cost-effective than any ED medication in the long run. 
  • It’s a noninvasive treatment option for moderate erectile dysfunction so you don’t need to get surgery. 
  • It may be used as an adjunct therapy with other erectile dysfunction treatments such as penile injections or PRP therapy. 

Common Types of Penis Pumps for Treating Erectile Dysfunction 

Users can choose from a wide variety of penis pumps. They’re usually categorized according to the suction mechanism used to increase pressure in the tube to enlarge the penis. Some of the common kinds of penis pumps are: 

1) Water penis pump

Electric penis pumps may be made of hydro- or water-based technology which uses warm water to create a suction force that stimulates the penis. It’s recommended to fill the tube with as much water as you can to generate more pressure for penis enlargement. 

It’s believed that using hydro vacuum technology for penis pumping can produce larger and firmer erections. Warm water may also better stimulate the penis and improve the blood flow to the shaft to boost its growth and girth. 

2) Air penis pumps

Another option for erectile dysfunction treatment is air-based penis pumps. They’re the traditional form of penis pumps which rely on creating an air vacuum that suctions blood into the penis to help achieve an erection. They can be battery-powered or operated manually. One of its advantages is that they’re relatively cheaper compared to hydro-based penile pumps and less messy to use. 

Factors to Consider in Choosing the Best Penis Pump 

With many different brands and varieties of penis pumps, it can be difficult to choose which one is best suited for your needs. Generally, you should look for a vacuum erection device that has complete features and is easy to operate. Here are some of the factors that you should consider in selecting a penis pump: 

  • Safety Release: Pick a penis pump that has a quick-release valve mechanism that allows you to immediately remove the pressure once you’ve achieved your desired length and firmness. This will help reduce the risk of side effects and complications from pumping. 
  • Pressure Gauge or Limiter: You also want to look for a device that allows you to monitor the amount of pressure that you’re applying to your penis. It should also have a vacuum limiter that controls the pressure inside the tube for a safer pumping experience.
  • Penis Pump Sleeve: It’s also recommended to choose a penis pump that has a soft pad or sleeve to serve as a cushion to prevent skin chafing and irritation from the tube. It will also help create a strong seal so you can produce enough suction during pumping.
  • Constriction Ring: You should also choose a device that already has a penis ring that you can easily put on after pumping. Look for a constriction ring made of rubber to ensure your comfort and maintain your erection. 

Purchase Penis Pumps and Other Medical Supplies for Male Enhancement From FACE Med Store 

Penis pumps are an excellent solution for erectile dysfunctions and can provide improved sexual health and function among men. As long as you follow proper usage and don’t forget to apply lubricant, there shouldn’t be any serious complications or side effects after a pumping session. 

FACE Med Store is dedicated to providing quality tools and supplies to the medical community. We also offer products and medical devices that can be used to address erectile dysfunction and promote penile rehabilitation. Call us today to inquire about our stocks or know more about how we can partner with your practice.

All content in this blog is for informational purposes only. It is not medical or legal advice. Please consult with lawyer or a medical professional.