What Is A Medical Esthetician’s Salary?

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A spa esthetician can make a surprising amount of good money, especially if they have the right certification from esthetician schools and are working in places like New York or other metropolitan areas. As a beauty specialist, there are a lot of different treatments that you can administer and charge for, ranging from simple eyelash extensions to more advanced skin treatments like dermal fillers.

But how much can you earn as a medical esthetician? As a skincare specialist, you’ll enjoy high rates for your services (around $25,000), even if you may have a slow start at first for your rates. Labor statistics in general paint a very favorable picture of the average salary of a medical esthetician, with plenty of opportunity to grow from there.

(Statistics are taken from Comparably, ZipRecruiter, and Salary.com. Only applies to medical estheticians in the United States.)

How Much Do Medical Estheticians Make?

The average salary of an esthetician usually ranges around $50,000. As a skincare expert, you can generally charge more for your services since your clients can be sure that you’re providing effective skin care treatments.

While most aestheticians work by themselves (and still make around this same amount), there can be more opportunities for a higher salary if you partner with a medical spa – more on that later.

How Much Can A Medical Esthetician Make?

As a skincare specialist, then your salary is only limited by the treatments that you can give to your clients. While the median salary of an esthetician is around $50,000, the highest-paid estheticians can earn up to $100,000 or even more.

Keep in mind that this doesn’t just mean you’ll be applying more skin peels or makeup: these estheticians have usually gone through extensive esthetician training, usually at an esthetician school that has given them plenty of training with different kinds of treatments.

What Is A Medical Esthetician’s Setting Salary?

The base salary of a medical esthetician is highly dependent on several factors, but on average, you can expect to start at around $20,000 annually.

However, keep in mind that different types of medical estheticians can start with higher salaries – if you’ve specialized in something particularly challenging like massage therapy, you can stand to make more compared to an esthetician that does makeup applications.

How Much Do Medical Estheticians Make In An Hour?

Hourly rates of estheticians can be difficult to calculate since it depends on what services you’re providing and where you’re employed. On average, you can expect to make around $22 to $28 an hour.

This assumes that you’re working at a medical spa. If you’re working on your own as an on-call massage therapist, for example – you can charge a higher hourly wage depending on your working conditions.

How Much Do Injection Estheticians Make In A Year?

For an example of a higher-paid esthetician position, injection specialists are the highest-paid medical estheticians. On average, their salary ranges from $35,000 to $90,000 per year, depending on the complexity of their treatments.

There are a few reasons for this, but the most significant is that injectable treatments are long-term – so injection specialists are always in demand. If you’re in a metropolitan area like San Francisco, these injection specialists can charge even more.

How Much Do Medical Estheticians In A Med Spa Earn?

Medical estheticians employed in a med spa generally earn on the higher end of the salary scale compared to those practicing individually: usually around $35,000 or higher annually.

This doesn’t include other perks like yearly bonuses or other discounts on products or services that your medical spa may be offering. In general, medical estheticians working for a medspa can usually enjoy more favorable financial conditions than those working freelance.

How Much Do Med Spa Estheticians Make As A Contractor?

The salary range of a contractual med spa esthetician can be a bit tricky to compute since contractual employees tend to be compensated differently from full-time workers at a med spa. On average, these estheticians make around $30,000 annually, slightly lower than other estheticians that provide the same services full time.

However, this is slightly offset by peak seasons like the holidays, where packages and gifted discounts may require the need for contractual medical spa estheticians. 

Get High-Quality Tools And Medical Supplies With FACE Med Store

A licensed medical aesthetician can earn a lot, but keep in mind that your average salary will still depend on plenty of other factors that may not be apparent at first glance. Job seekers who want to become licensed estheticians can expect good money for their services, especially if their career path puts them on track for more specialized services.

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All content in this blog is for informational purposes only. It is not medical or legal advice. Please consult with lawyer or a medical professional.