The Hair Growth Benefits of Low-Level Laser Therapy

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The Hair Growth Benefits of Low-Level Laser Therapy

You’re losing hair regardless of how healthy your hair is. In fact, its around 50-100 hair follicles a day! That might seem significant, but it won’t be noticeable unless your hair regrowth slows down. That’s where we at FACE come in as experts of hair growth. We have used low-level laser therapy to maintain and rejuvenate hair growth.

Our Helmets are equipped with 678nm diodes which creates the optimal results to stimulate hair growth. This will, improve hair oil quality, support hair regrowth, and build up existing hair follicles. This makes our helmets some of the most up to date technology on the market, give you the best results possible.


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What Can Cause Hair Loss?

Of the 100 hairs, we lose from our scalp, the majority of people grow those hairs grow back, some people don’t due to multiple factors that happen genetically or by life circumstances. These hair loss factors include: 

  • age- Over time hair becomes more and more frail and will eventually stop growing.
  • heredity – caused by some combination of genetics, hormone levels, and the aging process
  • medical conditions, such as lupus and diabetes
  • poor nutrition – diet is an essential aspect of maintaining healthy hair
  • side effects of medical treatment, such as chemotherapy
  • stress – we all feel it, but stress can induce the last phase of hair growth that causes hair to fall out. 
  • hormonal changes

Regrowing hair after any of those factors can be difficult, but at FACE, we manage to do it regardless of the circumstances. How do we do it? 

Lasers. Sounds pretty awesome, and it is. By using our helmets, you can see significant results when it comes to your hair. There are many benefits to using our helmet, such as:

  • Superior stimulation of hair growth 
  • 20-30 minute sessions 
  • Improved hair quality, hair strength, and hair thickness
  • 100% cordless and rechargeable manner
  • slowing down hair loss or even stopping it altogether 

What is Low-level laser therapy?

Low-level laser therapy, also known as red light therapy and cold laser therapy, highlights and empowers photons in the scalp tissues. These photons get absorbed by weak cells, which then encourages hair growth. At FACE, we use this type of treatment in our Laser Hair Growth Helmets.

Laser treatment works for hair loss by using low-dose laser treatments that stimulate blood flow to hair follicles. By using this method it stimulates and encourages hair follicles to grow hair. This study in 2014 shows that it is a safe and effective method of hair regrowth. 

What are Laser Helmets?

Laser helmets are vital in treating hair loss, but all lasers are not created equal. Our product has 272 diode lasers that are specially developed, high-efficiency lasers that allow delivering the most significant amount of light and coverage for the total scalp area. The lasers are precisely crafted to promote maximum hair growth. Laser Helmet lasers reverse the thinning of follicles. Follicles will then eventually return to their normal healthy state after being exposed to our specialized lasers.

Over time your hair will start to thin and eventually stop growing. Reversing hair thinning is the first step to getting your hair back by halting any further loss after the first 20 or so treatments. The next stage is re-growing your hair. Laser Helmet also grows hair after around 52 treatments.

All content in this blog is for informational purposes only. It is not medical or legal advice. Please consult with lawyer or a medical professional.