How to Renew an Esthetician License

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how to renew an esthetician license

For information only. Not meant as advice in any form. Please consult your medical professional or lawyer.

Becoming a licensed esthetician requires individuals to finish beauty school and pass the licensing examination by the state board. But once you get an esthetics or cosmetology license, you must also keep it active to continue working in the beauty industry and performing cosmetology services.

So what’s the renewal process for an esthetician license like? The exact rules for professional licensure renewal vary per state, but most of them essentially go like this: fill out a renewal form, pay the renewal fee, submit the filled-out form, and wait until you receive confirmation or a renewed license after a few weeks. Take note of the license expiration date since updating, renewing, and reinstating a license needs different forms and other requirements.

How Do You Renew Your Esthetician License?

About 183,000 licensed estheticians in the United States work in places like spas, salons, and medical spas to provide clients with skin and body treatments that improve their skin health and enhance their appearance. But to keep working as a specialist in the beauty industry, estheticians need to renew their license every few years or update it when needed.

But because different states enforce different renewal application guidelines, it’s difficult to create a blanket statement that tells estheticians what they should do when they need to renew their professional license.

To help you out, here are some common questions that estheticians have during their cosmetology license renewal:

What You Need to Prepare

The professional licensing board of your state might need a more specific renewal requirement, but most of them only need the following:

  • Your current license number
  • A credit or debit card to pay the required fee
  • An account on the official websites of the state board office with your complete contact information, if you opt for the state’s online services
  • Completion of the required continuing education hours
  • An accomplished renewal application form

How Often Do I Need to Renew My License?

Different states also have different policies about how often an esthetician or cosmetologist license should be renewed. Some of them require annual renewal, while others only call for renewal around every 2 to 3 years. Some states only require instructors to take continuing education classes and renew their licenses every few years.

Before renewing an esthetician license, check the specific guidelines of the state first because some state board offices require applicants to finish designated CE hours from a certified cosmetology school. Once you resolve the continuing education requirement, here’s an outline of what the process might be like:

  1. Download the renewal form from the state board’s official website or request the form in their office.
  2. Fill out the form with all the complete and updated contact information, including the license number.
  3. Pay for the renewal fee with cash, credit, or debit card and keep the receipt.
  4. Submit all necessary requirements to the state board, including the application form, renewal fee, and proof of completion of a continuing education course.
  5. Check online after a few days or weeks if the status of the license has been renewed. Those who updated or reinstated their license might need to wait about 4 to 6 weeks to receive the new license.

When Should Esthetician Renew Their License

Estheticians should renew their licenses every few years, depending on the state board guidelines. Most state boards start accepting applications for license renewal about 120 days before the license expires.

But aside from the usual renewal schedule, estheticians are also required to renew or update their licenses if there are changes to their personal information. Most states require them to file for an updated esthetician license in case of:

  • Changes to the license holder’s name
  • Changes in address, email, or phone number
  • Need to add social security number to the license

How Much is it to Renew an Esthetician License?

This varies per state and depends on the type of license, but most states only require a renewal fee of about $50 to $75. However, if estheticians don’t renew their license before it expires, then they’re also required to pay an additional late fee.

What Happens if Your Esthetician License Expires?

Renewing a professional regulation license allows estheticians to perform skin and body treatments in the state they practice in. Failure to comply with the renewal regulations might result in an inactive status. Performing treatments with an expired or canceled license lead to a fine or disciplinary action.

If the license has expired for more than a few months or a year, then the state board might consider it canceled. In such cases, estheticians need to reapply for a license again. This process might require them to retake the licensure exam or attend continuing education courses.

How to Renew an Expired Esthetician License

Estheticians may still renew their licenses even past their expiration date. However, the state board has different regulations for licenses that expired for a few weeks or months versus those that have already expired for several years.

What You Need to Prepare

If the esthetician license has expired in a relatively short amount of time, practitioners may still follow the normal renewal process set by their state board without needing additional classes or retaking tests. They’re also required to pay a higher renewal fee than usual because of the late fee they incurred.

On the other hand, estheticians who hold licenses that expired for several years have to take additional steps. They need to restart the whole application process if they want to be reinstated. Different state boards have different policies, but they may follow either one of the two actions:

  1. Retake the written and practical exams again
  2. Take a minimum number of CE hours before becoming eligible to take the board exam again

How Much to Renew Esthetician License Late

Renewing expired licenses often incur a late fee that’s usually about 50% of the original license you’re applying for. Since different states have different regulations about late renewal applications and application fees, it’s best to check your state’s guidelines first before paying anything.

Find Different Esthetician Courses at FACE Med Store

Being an esthetician is a fulfilling career for individuals who find joy in helping others look and feel their best. However, this profession comes with certain responsibilities that aspiring estheticians need to prepare for – like attending continuing education courses and applying for license renewal every few years.

At FACE Med Store, we offer online training courses for estheticians who want to expand their skill sets. We also supply salons, medical spas, and other healthcare centers around the country with quality medical products so they can serve their clients better. Call us now to know more about our courses or high-quality medical supplies.

All content in this blog is for informational purposes only. It is not medical or legal advice. Please consult with lawyer or a medical professional.