Will PRP Help If You’ve Always Had Thin Hair?

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Will PRP Help If You’ve Always Had Thin Hair

People who experience thinning of hair have always looked for medical treatments to improve their noticeable hair loss because of the impact it has on their self-esteem and confidence. However, there are also people who don’t experience a sudden hair loss and instead have always had hair thinning.

So will PRP help if you’ve always had thin hair? Yes, because although platelet-rich plasma (PRP) can’t address the genetic factor that dictates your hair texture, it’s still capable of encouraging hair growth through its growth factors. It’s also useful for genetic hair loss disorders manifested as hair thinning, like androgenetic alopecia.

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How Genetics Play A Role In Hair Texture

Studies have shown that the texture and thickness of a hair follicle may be influenced by genes, with EDAR being the gene implicated in conferring straight hair to Asians while TCHH being the gene implicated in the curly hair among people of European ancestry.

Moreover, aberrations in genes influencing hair structure and stability are manifested as syndromes affecting hair thickness and texture, raising the hypothesis that these genes are also the ones responsible for hair texture and thickness in normal hair. 

An example of these health conditions is autosomal recessive hypotrichosis, a type of genetic hair loss characterized by sparse hair even in infancy. Mutations in DSG4, LIPH, or LPAR6 genes cause this type of hair loss. This may also either progress to stabilization of hair or permanent hair loss as in androgenic alopecia.

How Platelet-Rich Plasma Encourages Hair Growth

woman covered in towel combing her healthy brown hair

Platelet-rich plasma is a therapy governed by the concentration of platelets which release the growth factors that are the ones that mediate its healing effects. These growth factors have different effects on hair growth, necessitating a proper balance of their concentrations as well.

For example, platelet-derived growth factor stimulates hair growth while transforming growth factor-beta inhibits it. A net effect of hair growth must thus be present for PRP to effectively promote hair growth, such that it results in an overall prolongation of the anagen phase (active phase) of the hair growth cycle. 

Similarly, anti-apoptotic regulators like Bcl-2 and Akt (or the regulators that prevent apoptosis or programmed death of cells) are also activated with PRP injections, resulting in more pronounced hair growth since the lifespan of the hair cells will be prolonged as well.

PRP may also promote the formation of new blood vessels, necessary for promoting better blood flow in the scalp. When better blood flow is initiated, more oxygen and nutrients reach the scalp, further promoting healthy hair growth.

How Platelet-Rich Plasma Is Obtained And Administered

Platelet-rich plasma is an autologous formulation derived from the own blood cells of the patient. It starts with a medical professional obtaining blood through a syringe containing an anticoagulant and then transferring it to another tube.

The blood collected will then be subjected to centrifugation to separate the platelets from other blood components and increase their concentration. This preparation may be done via two techniques, the open technique where the blood is in contact with many materials used in its preparation, and the closed technique where the blood isn’t exposed to the environment.

What To Expect After The Procedure

Platelet-rich plasma is a procedure that’s proven to be effective by different studies regarding its efficacy. For example, a study that employed a randomized placebo-controlled type of research has demonstrated an increase in hair density and hair count in patients injected with PRP, observed through computerized trichograms, and compared with placebo.

However, despite its efficacy, the treatment doesn’t promise an immediate result after the procedure took place. It may take 6 months before the full effect may be seen, translating to a couple of sessions (typically at least 3 sessions spaced at 5-6 weeks) before initial results are noticeable.

PRP treatments also aren’t permanent. Maintenance treatments that are done every 6 months are needed to maintain the hair growth effects of this therapy.

Side Effects of PRP

Minimal side effects are to be expected after PRP injections are done because it’s minimally invasive and because they came from your own blood components.

The risk of contracting blood-borne communicable diseases like HIV/AIDS is also eliminated because of this fact, although infections may still occur if the preparation and injection of the PRP aren’t done in sterile conditions.

Other side effects associated with PRP include mild redness, bruising, swelling, and pain at the site of injection, due to the inflammatory reactions activated by the procedure. These may be expected to go away on their own and can be managed by over-the-counter drugs and home remedies.

Nerve injuries may also occur, although rare, and this may be attributed to the skill of the one performing the procedure.

Pre- And Post-Care Procedures for PRP

Blood thinners like aspirin and anti-inflammatory medications may reduce the efficacy of PRP therapy by interfering with platelet activation that’s necessary for the hair growth effects of PRP to take place. With proper medical advice, these drugs must not be used a few hours before the procedure is done.

It’s also worth noting that because of minimal side effects associated with PRP, there’s also minimal downtime associated with this procedure as well. This means that the patient who underwent the procedure may immediately return to their normal activities.

However, certain restrictions must still be observed such as not taking a bath within 24 hours after the procedure. Patients must also avoid extreme temperatures within 72 hours, such as cold compresses and going to the sauna. Alcoholic drinks and tobacco products must be avoided as well after the procedure.

PEP Factor: A Helpful Formulation For Your Hair Needs

The PRP treatment is indeed a safe and effective treatment for healthy hair growth. It’s especially effective in combination treatments, where it’s used with other medications and therapies that are also proven to be effective to address male-pattern hair loss and other types of hair loss.

An example of a combination of therapies helpful in achieving thicker hair is the use of PRP injections with FACE Med Store’s PEP Factor. 

PEP Factor is one of the hair-thickening products formulated without harsh chemicals as a component. This product is topically-applied, enabling it to be added safely in other therapies useful in improving the density of hair. 

PEP Factor is made from natural nourishing ingredients and peptides designed to help improve the appearance of patches of hair loss without major side effects associated with it.

The active ingredients of this formulation include the basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF), which is known to have growth-promoting properties like the growth factors found in PRP injections, capable of mediating the cycle of hair growth and prolonging the anagen phase. It also has copper peptide, which has known antioxidant properties to combat oxidative stress, which may also prevent stress-related hair loss.

FACE Med Store: The Best Partner For Your Medical Supply Needs

Although it isn’t capable of solving the genetic causes of the patches of baldness manifested in many types of hair loss, platelet-rich plasma still works well in encouraging hair growth. It’s an effective treatment, especially when used in combination with other medical therapies like a hair transplant and topical treatments like PEP Factor.

At FACE Med Store, we’re here to assist you in addressing medical conditions, especially in making the scalp hair thicker and healthier. We offer high-quality products that are effective in restoring and maintaining your hair health. Start your journey towards healthier hair now by contacting us at in**@fa**********.com.

All content in this blog is for informational purposes only. It is not medical or legal advice. Please consult with lawyer or a medical professional.