What’s Included in an Aesthetic Training for Beauty Therapists?

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Due to the demand for facial aesthetic treatments, more medical professionals consider starting a career in the beauty industry as an aesthetic practitioner or beauty therapist. However, opening your own aesthetic practice is daunting if you don’t know what’s ahead of you or which aesthetic course should be prioritized.

So what are the common lessons taught in an aesthetic training course for beginner beauty therapists? Healthcare professionals often learn about basic aesthetic medicine topics and treatments like facial anatomy and physiology, botulinum toxin injections, dermal fillers, laser treatments, and skin rejuvenation and facial treatments during their aesthetic training program.

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5 Common Topics in Aesthetic Training for Beauty Therapists

Medical aesthetics training programs are the best way for a medical professional to specialize in beauty therapy and start their own aesthetic practice. These courses allow them to develop their knowledge and practical skills, so they can offer a better facial aesthetics treatment for each of their patients.

But since there are tons of minimally invasive cosmetic treatments to learn about, it’s difficult for a medical practitioner to just settle on one beauty course. To help you out, here are some of the best aesthetic training topics that every beauty therapist should know about:

1. Facial Anatomy and Physiology

Essential topics like facial anatomy and physiology were already discussed with healthcare practitioners when they attended medical school, but it wouldn’t hurt to have refresher courses for these subjects. In-depth discussions about facial anatomy are crucial because it allows practitioners to diagnose the patient’s condition, understand how certain injectables affect the face, and determine which aesthetic treatments work best for them.

A good aesthetic training course should include facial anatomy lessons that emphasize the location of muscle groups, nerve networks, and blood vessels in the face and neck. Beauty therapists must know about these parts so they can adjust their injection technique, leading to better aesthetic results and reduced risk of complications and side effects.

2. Botulinum Toxin Injections

A basic Botox training course is something that almost all beauty therapists go through. This aesthetic procedure is one of the top minimally invasive cosmetic treatments in the country with about 4.4 million procedures performed in 2020 alone, so it’s not surprising for aesthetic practitioners to seize the opportunity and earn their Botox certifications immediately.

One of the basic topics that a Botox course should include is the pharmacology of neurotoxin injections. It should also teach practitioners about the specific injection technique needed for every botulinum toxin treatment so that aestheticians can perform safe and effective procedures based on FDA and state regulations.

After finishing an aesthetic training program about basic Botox treatments, beauty therapists can further improve their skills and knowledge by attending advanced Botox courses. These training programs usually teach them about more complicated Botox procedures and the medical applications of injectable treatments.

To sign up for an advanced aesthetic training course for Botox, participants need to have a basic Botox training certificate first and at least 6 months of experience in providing injectable treatments in their practice.

3. Dermal Fillers

Another basic but important skill that all beauty therapists should have is knowing how to administer dermal filler injections. Like Botox, these injectables are also high in demand because they erase facial wrinkles and fine lines without the need for plastic surgery.

A basic dermal filler training program teaches aesthetic therapists about the different types and brands of dermal fillers and when it’s best to use them in cosmetic treatments. It also includes lessons about proper injection techniques for different treatment areas, so practitioners can perform the procedure safely and effectively on their clients.

Beauty therapists may also proceed with an advanced dermal filler course if they want to learn about more complicated procedures, like tear trough fillers and off-label uses of the injectable. An advanced dermal fillers course also requires aestheticians to have prior experience with administering facial fillers before they can sign up.

4. Laser Treatments

Laser technology has several applications when it comes to medical or cosmetic treatments. Having an aesthetic laser training certificate allows aesthetic practitioners to offer a wide range of services and treat their patients with laser-based procedures. Some of the most common laser treatments taught in aesthetic training programs include laser hair removal, laser tattoo removal, laser skin tightening, and laser skin resurfacing.

Different aesthetic training programs have different course curricula, but most of them teach participants about laser physics and laser safety. There are also different types of lasers that work for a variety of skin concerns, so practitioners need to know their difference and match patients with the right laser technology.

5. Skin Rejuvenation and Facial Treatments

The recent trends in skin care encouraged people to pay more attention to how they take care of their skin. But sometimes, beauty products aren’t enough to restore a patient’s radiance and youthfulness so they turn to minimally invasive skin rejuvenation and facial treatments instead.

Aesthetic training courses teach beauty therapists about the most common skin treatments and when to use them. Depending on the curriculum designed by the instructor, you may learn about chemical skin peels, microneedling, microdermabrasion, IPL therapy, and more.

Find the Best Aesthetic Courses at FACE Med Store

FACE Med Store partners with various dermatology clinics, aesthetic practices, and other healthcare providers to supply them with high-quality medical tools and devices needed for minimally invasive treatments. We also provide online aesthetic training programs to help our clients improve their knowledge and skills in medical aesthetics.

Expand your skill set as a beauty therapist today by getting aesthetic courses from FACE Med Store. Call us today to know more about our online training courses and medical or cosmetic products you can use for your practice.

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