For information only. Not meant as advice in any form. Please consult your medical professional or lawyer.
If you’re passionate about skincare and want to help other people look and feel their best, then a career in esthetics might be a good fit for you. There are lots of requirements to prepare to become a licensed esthetician, but the first one is enrolling in an esthetics program at an accredited institution.
So what is esthetician school needed for? Esthetician training at a cosmetology school provides students with the right training and knowledge needed to get their license and offer skin treatments to their patients. Some important topics included in an esthetician training course are skin analysis, facial treatments, makeup application, body treatments, hair removal, state board preparation, and business management.
What Esthetician Schools Are and Why You Need to Enroll in One
There are around 183,000 licensed estheticians in the country according to the Associated Skin Care Professionals (ASCP). It’s a promising career track to explore since the beauty industry is continuously growing. To start their journey as an esthetician and skincare specialist, a student must first enroll in an esthetician course approved or accredited by their state or the National Accrediting Commission of Career Arts and Sciences.
A cosmetology or esthetics school provides aspiring estheticians with the right training to perform treatments and the right knowledge about the beauty culture if they want to survive the esthetics industry. An esthetics course teaches the student all the basic services they should know including salon services, chemical peels, facial massage therapies, body wraps, makeup application, and more.
Esthetician schools are also essential for any beauty professional who wants to attend continuing education through advanced esthetics training programs. Additional esthetician training allows estheticians to learn about more complicated skin treatment techniques, opening up more career opportunities for them in the beauty industry and medical esthetics field.
7 Important Topics Taught in Esthetician Schools
The content of your esthetician program depends on your chosen beauty school, so always make sure to check their curriculum first before signing up. Here are some of the most important topics that you should learn about in an esthetician school:
1) Skin Analysis
As a skin care specialist, an esthetician should be familiar with different skin issues. Every skin treatment starts with a consultation where they need to perform an accurate skin analysis, determine the patient’s skin type, and come up with a treatment to address their skin concern.
Some of the most common skin issues they need to treat and be familiar with are dry skin, sensitive skin, acne, oily skin, sun damage, wrinkles, fine lines, whitehead, and blackheads. Estheticians should also know when to refer their clients to a dermatologist.
2) Facial Treatments
Facials are another esthetician staple. Students are trained to perform different kinds of facials, including exfoliation treatments, warm and cool compresses, soothing face massages, and more. With extensive knowledge of facial treatments, estheticians should be able to come up with customized facials for each client.
3) Makeup Application
Makeup application is another major course taught in an esthetician training program. An esthetician or makeup artist receives in-depth lessons about the best and latest makeup techniques and trends.
They also learn about highlighting and contouring, blending foundation, applying false eyelashes, and most importantly, finding colors that perfectly match the client’s skin tone and type. Some courses even offer makeup lessons for special effects that are useful for those working in TV or theater.
Thanks to their knowledge about makeup products, estheticians may also relay important consumer information to their clients before using a product. In some advanced training courses, beauty professionals also learn about permanent and semi-permanent makeup applications like eyelash extension treatments.
4) Body Treatments
Aside from taking care of the client’s face, estheticians should also learn about performing treatments on the skin in the different parts of the body. In esthetics school, students are taught how to carry out different body treatments like wraps, scrubs, masks, massage, and aromatherapy.
5) Hair Removal
Hair removal is one of the most in-demand treatments in salons and spas. In beauty schools, estheticians are taught how to execute different hair removal techniques, including tweezing, threading, waxing, and eyebrow shaping. A good esthetician should be able to pull off any technique that their client wants safely.
6) State Board Preparation
An esthetician’s career depends on whether or not they pass the State Board testing and licensing exam after completing the required training hours in a cosmetology school. Most institutions prepare their students for the exam near their graduation. Instructors often give tips and tricks that applicants pass the exam. They also prepare students by giving a practice exam or listing sample questions that they might encounter.
7) Business Management
Some esthetics programs also teach basic business practices, including industry regulations and shop management. Learning about business management is useful for building a loyal customer base, encouraging clients to return, and managing your practice. Other related topics to study are salon management, marketing and sales, professional development, local and state laws about esthetics, and EPA or OSHA standards related to chemical use.
Enroll in Online Esthetician Courses at FACE Med Store Now
Our online training courses in FACE Med Spa provides aspiring and licensed estheticians with the right knowledge about different skin treatments that are useful for their career. Find out which training programs are the best for your specialty by visiting our website today.
Aside from online courses for estheticians and beauty professionals, we also provide high-quality medical equipment for different healthcare institutions and medical spas across the country. Call us now to know about the best deals or to ask about our online training courses.