Exosomes Microneedling

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exosomes microneedling

A Combo Therapy That Smoothen Wrinkles, Even Tone, and Restore Firmness

Do you cringe every time you look in the mirror and see more fine lines, wrinkles, and age spots staring back at you? 

As we get older, our skin loses collagen and elasticity, making us appear worn out and mature beyond our years. But what if we told you there was a way to hit rewind and restore your complexion’s youthful radiance? 

Enter exosomes microneedling – an exciting new anti-aging breakthrough that can smooth away wrinkles, even out tone, and bring tired skin back to life. 

Keep reading to discover how this innovative combo therapy can help you achieve a natural facelift and recapture your inner glow!

What are Exosomes and How Do They Benefit Skin?

Exosomes are tiny vesicles released by cells that act as messengers, transferring proteins, lipids, and genetic material between cells. They play a key role in intracellular communication and regulate many physiological processes.

Recent research has shown that exosomes derived from stem cells have potent rejuvenating and anti-aging effects on skin. When applied topically, exosomes can stimulate collagen production, accelerate wound healing, and inhibit melanin production, reducing skin pigmentation and age spots.

Exosomes promote skin cell proliferation and migration. This enhances epidermal and dermal thickness, increasing skin firmness and elasticity. Exosomes also modulate your skin’s immune response and have antioxidant effects to combat aging oxidative stress.

How Microneedling Allows Exosomes to Penetrate Skin

exosomes microneedling

Microneedling is a technique that uses small needles to create microscopic channels in your skin, allowing serums and treatments to better penetrate the surface. It essentially creates temporary micro-injuries that signal your body to produce new collagen and elastin.

When exosomes are applied after microneedling, they can readily absorb into these microscopic pathways created by the needles. This allows the exosomes to more deeply penetrate the skin and communicate with skin cells to enhance collagen production and stimulate regeneration.

Microneedling improves penetration of topicals by up to 10 fold! So combining it with exosome therapy allows for maximum delivery of exosomes’ reparative cargos to where they are needed most.

The Benefits of Exosomes Microneedling

Exosomes microneedling therapy provides a myriad of skin rejuvenation benefits by utilizing the regenerative powers of exosomes to revive aging skin. Here are some of the key benefits associated with this innovative anti-aging treatment:

Improves Wrinkles, Fine Lines, and Texture

Exosomes microneedling boosts collagen and elastin production in the skin, helping to fill in and smooth out wrinkles, fine lines, and creases. It also refines skin texture by stimulating new skin cell turnover.

Fades Age Spots and Discoloration

The growth factors in exosomes lighten and brighten the skin, reducing age spots and fading overall skin discoloration and uneven pigmentation. This results in a more even, uniform complexion.

Lifts and Tightens Sagging Skin

By stimulating elastin synthesis, exosomes microneedling helps lift and firm loose, sagging skin on the face, neck, décolletage and body. Skin looks tighter, more toned and supple.

Minimizes Enlarged Pores

Exosomes refine skin texture and reduce pore size through their skin cell regeneration effects. Pores appear minimized.

Deeply Hydrates and Nourishes Skin

The myriad of growth factors in exosomes provide lasting hydration and nourishment to revitalize and replenish skin. Skin looks and feels smoother, softer and more supple.

Repairs Sun Damage and Scarring

Exosomes accelerate repair of photodamage, acne scarring, surgical scars and other skin damage. This reduces the appearance of scars and damage.

Soothes Redness and Inflammation

The anti-inflammatory properties of exosomes calm irritation and redness from inflammatory skin conditions like rosacea. Skin looks calmer and less irritated.

Restores a Radiant, Youthful Glow

Exosomes rejuvenate dull, tired-looking skin and impart a radiant, youthful glow. Skin looks refreshed, vibrant and luminous.

Safe and Effective

Exosome microneedling is considered very safe with minimal risks when performed properly. It is an effective way to comprehensively improve aging skin concerns.

What Kind of Exosomes are Used and How are They Obtained?

Not all exosomes are created equal when it comes to skin rejuvenation. The source of the exosomes matters greatly. Exosomes derived from embryonic stem cells appear to have the most potent anti-aging and restorative effects on skin.

Exosome isolates are carefully obtained from human embryonic stem cell cultures in a laboratory through a centrifugation process. This results in a highly-purified exosome serum that contains the full range of reparative exosome cargos. No embryos are harmed in the process.

Only validated, clinical-grade exosome isolates that meet stringent safety testing should be used for microneedling. This ensures maximum quality, purity and potency for optimal skin revitalization results.

The Exosome Microneedling Procedure 

exosomes microneedling procedure

Now that you know the many ways exosomes microneedling can rejuvenate your skin, let’s look at what the procedure entails:

  1. Consultation – You’ll meet with your dermatologist or esthetician for an initial consultation to discuss your skin goals and determine if you’re a good candidate for microneedling. Your medical history will be reviewed.
  2. Cleansing and numbing – On the day of treatment, your face is thoroughly cleansed to remove makeup, oils, dirt and debris from the skin. A topical anesthetic cream is then applied to numb the skin and make the treatment more comfortable. You’ll leave this on for about 30 minutes prior to microneedling.
  3. Microneedling device – Your provider will use a pen-like device containing numerous tiny sterile needles to create controlled micro injuries in the skin. The needles penetrate to a depth between 0.5-2.5mm depending on your needs. This stimulates collagen and elastin production in the dermis. 
  4. Exosome serum application – After microneedling, exosome serum is applied and gently massaged into the skin’s surface. The microchannels created by microneedling allow deeper penetration of the serum for maximum absorption and efficacy.
  5. Additional treatments – Microneedling can be combined with other rejuvenating treatments like PRP (platelet-rich plasma), radiofrequency or laser resurfacing in the same session to enhance results.
  6. Post-procedure care – Immediately after the treatment, your skin will be red and sensitive with a sunburn-like sensation. This usually resolves within a few hours. Your provider will review post-care instructions to follow for the next few days.
  7. Recovery time – Most patients require little to no downtime. Some residual redness may last up to 24 hours. Swelling, if any, subsides within a couple days. You can resume normal activities right away but vigorous exercise should be avoided for about 2 days.
  8. Visible results – Skin will appear smoother, brighter and more youthful within 1-2 months as collagen regeneration continues. Most patients see optimal outcomes after a series of 3-4 treatments done 4-6 weeks apart. Yearly maintenance sessions help sustain results.

Potential Side Effects of Exosome Microneedling

One of the biggest advantages of exosome microneedling is there is very little downtime and minimal side effects compared to more invasive anti-aging procedures.

Most patients report no side effects. As with regular microneedling, there may be some temporary redness and sensitivity for a day after treatment. There could also be some minor pinpoint bleeding, bruising or swelling. These resolve quickly. No significant pain, scarring or infection risk is associated with exosome microneedling.

Some patients note skin dryness or tightness that clears with proper moisturizing. Because exosomes are natural biological materials already present in your body, allergic reactions are rare.

With little to no downtime required, most patients can return to normal activities immediately after exosome microneedling sessions. It is an incredibly safe and well-tolerated procedure that fits into your lifestyle.

Who is a Candidate for Exosome Microneedling?

Exosome microneedling is suitable for most patients who want to target common signs of aging like wrinkles, fine lines, sagging skin, sun spots, uneven tone, enlarged pores, and dullness. It is well-tolerated by all skin types.

Ideal candidates include those with:

1Early to moderate aging skin concerns like fine lines and wrinkles
2Dull, uneven skin tone and texture
3Enlarged pores
4Mild to moderate sun damage, scarring or hyperpigmentation
5Poor skin elasticity leading to sagging or laxity

Those not yet exhibiting aging concerns can also benefit from exosome microneedling as a preventative anti-aging treatment.

Patients who should not undergo exosome microneedling include those who: are pregnant or breastfeeding, have active acne, infections or open wounds, use certain acne medications, have skin diseases like eczema or psoriasis, or have a history of keloid scarring.

Exosome Skincare – A Breakthrough in Anti-Aging Science

exosomes microneedling

Exosome treatment utilizes recent advances in cell biology to promote skin rejuvenation and combat visible signs of aging. Exosomes derived from stem cells stimulate collagen, elastin, and cellular renewal to restore a more youthful, radiant complexion.

At FACE Med Store, we offer the latest exosome skincare products backed by science and rigorous testing. We strive to provide excellent customer service and transparency to help our clients choose the best exosome products for their needs. 

Contact us now at (800) 770-9083 or browse our selection to discover our line of top-quality exosome skincare. Your most vibrant, confident self is waiting.

All content in this blog is for informational purposes only. It is not medical or legal advice. Please consult with lawyer or a medical professional.