Botox and dermal filler treatment have rapidly become some of the most accessible procedures in cosmetic medicine, especially with how patients can find providers and prices to suit their needs. However, for patients who are looking for these treatments at a lower cost, there is one other way they can get them: by becoming a model for a Botox/filler course.
So what’s to be expected from becoming a Botox/filler model? The exact specifics will vary depending on where exactly you become a model for, though your primary duty will be making sure that you stay in the best possible shape for your dermal filler treatment, as well as cooperating with the students/instructors.
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What Is Botox and Filler Model Training?
Botox and dermal filler models are essentially patients who have volunteered to be the subject during Botox training courses and dermal filler certifications. Since every potential provider needs to perform injectable treatments before getting their certifications, an actual model is needed – which is where you come in.
Patients who become Botox/filler models only have to pay for the product used in the actual treatment, waiving any administration or doctor’s fees in the process. However, they also get other benefits, like:
- Discounts on further Botox/filler treatments (depending on the partner)
- Preferential treatment on appointment times for future sessions
- Extensive oversight of the results of your treatment
- Full support from aesthetic and medical experts during your treatments
- Any additional benefits (for memberships and partnership programs)
The exact benefits that you’ll get will vary depending on which training facility you’ll be partnering with, but the benefits discussed above are fairly common and can be expected from Botox/filler courses.
What Are Your Duties As A Model?
Training as a Botox/filler model will depend on your specific partner, but most institutes will focus more on screening and your behavior during training. Because you’ll be the subject of potentially more than one Botox/dermal filler application, you must keep yourself in good shape so the risk of complications or adverse reactions is low.
1) Keeping Your Skin in Good Condition
The first thing that you’ll need to keep in mind is to keep your skin in good condition. This means keeping it moisturized, away from sun damage, and essentially following a lifestyle that doesn’t put your skin and body at risk.
This is necessary because most injectables like Botox and dermal fillers often have the best results with skin that isn’t too heavily damaged. Well-maintained skin is also helpful to those going through dermal filler training as there aren’t other complications they need to worry about.
2) Coordinating With Students, Instructors, and Staff
While students will be the ones doing the cosmetic injections, healthcare professionals and instructors are also at hand to help model patients with any concerns that they may have. But for the best results – and also to accurately grade those going through training – model patients have to cooperate with the trainees, trainers, and staff.
This means filing paperwork (if needed), monitoring your results before and after your treatments, and following any instructions that the trainer may have for you. Any aesthetic procedure needs a cooperative patient, and any aesthetic practitioner in training will benefit greatly from having a subject that cooperates for their certification.
3) Showing Up Regularly to Your Appointments
Botox/dermal fillers are rarely a one-time treatment: for many patients, these are long-term procedures that need to be re-administered regularly for the best results. If you want to become a reliable model for Botox/filler courses, you need to show up when your appointment is scheduled so you get your injection on time.
Not only does this give your partner institute a reliable subject to work with, but this also increases your chances of being the preferential partner for all Botox/filler courses in the future. Remember, you’re not the only aspiring model – and if you miss your appointments regularly, your partner may decide to offer your partnership to someone else more consistent.
Get High-Quality Medical Tools and Supplies From FACE Med Store Today
Patients who are looking to cut costs for dermal filler and Botox treatments (while also getting consistent injectable treatment schedules) can try applying to become a Botox or filler model. By participating in the corresponding Botox training course or dermal fillers course, you’ll be able to enjoy the benefits of these injectable treatments while also helping the next batch of providers to hone their craft.
FACE Med Store now offers medical-grade products to patients as well as providers, helping them maintain treatments without having to worry about the quality of their products. We specialize in providing high-quality yet affordable medical tools and supplies, making us a trusted long-term partner for many of our clients. For more information about us and our products, visit our website today.
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