Hyaluronic Acid For Hair: How It Works

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hyaluronic acid for hair

Frizzy and dull hair are common conditions that usually arise because of weather or hair care routines, but they can also be caused by underlying health conditions like hypothyroidism. Despite the different causes, management of dry hair is relatively straightforward with the right product. One product that has proved effective in managing dry hair – and improving scalp health – is hyaluronic acid.

What does hyaluronic acid do for hair? As an effective moisturizing agent, it reinforces the hair’s structure, improves its appearance, and helps encourage hair growth. Here’s everything you need to know about how hyaluronic acid works for hair.

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How Hyaluronic Acid Keeps Hair Healthy

Hyaluronic acid (or HA) is a natural compound found in the body’s dermal layer. A gel-like substance that primarily retains water, its primary role is to prevent the skin from drying out by maintaining a steady moisture level. As the primary lubricating agent in skin, it’s responsible for keeping the dermal layer soft and supple.

While it’s an effective moisturizing agent for the skin, it also has several benefits when applied on dry and damaged hair. Health hair strands need moisture to maintain their structure and resist the effects of the weather and other outside factors. By locking water molecules inside the hair strand, it also improves its appearance and encourages hair growth.

Other benefits of hyaluronic acid are:

1. Complement natural and supplement-based skincare routines

The natural hydrating properties of HA can help boost the effects of other supplements that improve skin health and appearance, or function as a primary catalyst for stronger formulas and serums that rejuvenate the skin.

2. Increased resistance to hair fall and increased hair growth

Hair loss can often occur because of the weakening of hair strands, making them more prone to breakage by brushing or bathing. Increased hyaluronic acid helps hair strands keep excess moisture without saturating the structure, which may help with reducing hair loss.

HA also helps by improving blood flow to the scalp, encouraging hair growth. This is especially effective with conditions like androgenetic alopecia, since it influences the hair growth cycle directly.

3. Reduces inflammation

Hyaluronic acid has antibacterial properties, which can help it reduce active sources of inflammation such as wounds or sores on the scalp. Concentrations of HA may increase around sites that are wounded or experience trauma, like large patches of hair fall.


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Sources Of Hyaluronic Acid

As a naturally occurring glycosaminoglycan, hyaluronic acid is already present in the skin. However, the body can’t keep producing it consistently. Factors like aging, water molecule evaporation, and ultraviolet radiation can reduce the amount of hyaluronic acid in the body.

Here are a few ways patients may try to boost their HA levels:

1. Meats like chicken, beef, and pork

One of the more effective ways to introduce hyaluronic acid into your diet is by consumption of bone broth. The bones of chicken, beef, and pork are all rich with the essential molecules required for healthy skin, including generous deposits of hyaluronic acid.

Proper preparation is the key to maximizing the nutrients acquired from the broth. Ideally, bones should be simmered in water for 24 hours to ensure that all the molecules flow from the bone into the broth.

2. Vegetables, soy, brown rice, and fruits

Vegetables and fruits are some of the most reliable deposits of skin-rejuvenating compounds like hyaluronic acid. Starchy root vegetables in particular can help increase HA production, while citrus fruits contain compounds like naringenin, which reduces hyaluronic acid breakdown in the body. The high water content in these foods also prevents the skin from being dehydrated.

Brown rice is another dependable source of hyaluronic acid. Other potential sources also include yeast-based products, peanuts, and pumpkin seeds.

3. Supplements and serums

Products that contain significant amounts of hyaluronan also come in supplement or serum form. While they’re more commonly found in facial rejuvenation products rather than hair care, hair rejuvenation serums that contain hyaluronic acid can be found in cosmetic practices around the country. These treatments can range from topical hair care creams to overnight serums that can help boost hair growth and appearance.

One thing to keep in mind is that while supplements and serums can be effective short-term solutions, other hair care routines should still be observed, like avoiding dehydration. As a moisturizing agent, hyaluronic acid relies on the body’s internal water reserves to function. When a person is dehydrated, HA loss intensifies.

PEP Factor Serum For Hair And Scalp Rejuvenation

Another product that can complement the moisturizing effects of hyaluronic acid is PEP Factor serum. A blend of peptides, fibroblast growth factors, and other essential nutrients, PEP Factor products may encourage skin and hair rejuvenation, which can help improve the appearance and health of hair. It may also encourage hair growth when applied to the scalp directly.

Aside from hair density, PEP Factor products also contain compounds that encourage the growth of collagen and elastin, which can keep your skin healthy and prevent dehydration. These compounds are also one of the primary catalysts for hair growth. 

When used with other skin rejuvenation therapies like dermal fillers and micro-needling, PEP Factor products could be a useful addition to any cosmetic practice’s offerings.

Get High-Quality Hair And Skin Rejuvenation Products From FACE Medical Supply

Hyaluronic acid is a powerful moisturizing agent that can help rejuvenate the hair, skin, and scalp – vastly improving both appearance and health. With proper application and consistent use, patients may benefit from the effective restorative properties of the compound, helping people manage the signs of aging and hair loss.

At FACE Medical Supply, we pride ourselves on stocking high-quality yet affordable hair and skin rejuvenation products. We constantly strive to offer innovative cosmetic products and tools at competitive prices and pride ourselves on fostering reliable partnerships with our clients. Contact us today to inquire about our stocks.

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